Join A Purposeful Path in Supporting a Great Local Cause! Obesity Awareness in Action (OAA)
/Come walk with us or feel free to make a donation! Every little bit counts!
Integrated Counseling & Psychotherapy in Northern Colorado
See the blog from A Purposeful Path to learn more about us and the counseling and psychotherapy services provided in Fort Collins.
Come walk with us or feel free to make a donation! Every little bit counts!
Check out all the events that are taking place to help spread love, unity and acceptance for all!
Let’s all celebrate this annual event dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society.
At A Purposeful Path, transgender health is very important making a difference in the world of mental health.
And today, we have many important people making statements to the world about the importance of supporting transgender individuals, and the importance to ensuring their access to compassion, acceptance, and various legal rights.
President Biden:
Rory Gory:
Nikita Dragun:
Signing of GLAAD open letter to support day of visibility:
Local, The Center on Colfax: Join us for our live TDoV celebration on March 31, 2021 at 6:00 pm MT on Twitch.
Thanks to Denver Women’s Recovery for offering a Q & A session for front line workers during this pandemic.
In an effort to support our community, DWR would like to offer a panel of experts for front line workers to access free mental health support. DWR will have a psychiatrist, psychologist, and therapist available to answer any questions. The topics can include, but are not limited to:
Stress Management | Dealing with Grief | Trauma Sensitive Responding
Compassion Fatigue | Mental Health First Aide | Boundaries
Upcoming days and times:
Tuesday, April 21 at 5pm MST
Wednesday, April 29 at 9am MST
Thursday, May 7 at 6pm MST
Wednesday, May 13th at 10am MST
RSVP TO:, to receive a Zoom Link for the event
While there’s so much focus on how to stay physically healthy, us mental health professionals want to ensure people are also remembering to take care of their emotional well being! Sandy Woznicki, writing for Tiny, provides some helpful steps for staying emotionally healthy during stressful times.
“Health is not just about what you’re eating. It’s also about what you’re thinking and saying.”
Here are the steps:
1. Talk to someone, but limit the bitching.
2. Be generous.
3. Take a mental break.
4. Allow all the feels.
5. Express gratitude.
6. Ask for help if you need it.
To read more, click on this link:
Remember, your mental well being is just as important as your physical well being!
Stay healthy and safe! is offering their lessons in different subjects like math, science and art for free thanks to UNICEF. All you have to do is go to and type in the code "AOFLUNICEF"
Scholastic Learn at Home is also offering their lessons for free. You can choose activities within from grade levels between PreK and 6+. These include e-books kids can read along with, and educational videos under their "Watch and learn Library."
Google is offering free virtual tours of more than 1,200 museums across the globe through their Arts and Culture platform.
Comcast is also stepping up by offering two free months of Internet service to low-income households. The deadline to apply to that program is April 30, and you can find more information on that here.
Good luck!
Stay safe, health and happy!
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many people are avoiding gathering in large groups, including at yoga studios and other fitness spaces. We believe that stressful times like these are precisely when people need wellness practices the most, and we are committed to doing our part to help out.
So that anyone who wants to practice at home can do so, we are making all of our apps - Down Dog, Yoga for Beginners, HIIT, Barre, and 7 Minute Workout - completely free until April 1st. You can learn more about all five of these apps at
If you are already subscribed, please help us spread the word and forward this along to anyone you think might benefit from free at-home fitness, and help us get this message to those who need it most.
We hope that everyone will stay healthy and safe in these uncertain times.
With love,
The Down Dog Team
At Glenn Fertility & Family Wellness…
Join Allie Durigan RN BSN for a beautiful talk on the amazing benefits of Yoni Steaming. Here's a little snippet: "Yoni Steaming uses the wisdom and nourishment of plant medicine to further heal, sooth, and revitalize the uterus and reproductive system via a gentle and nurturing experience. Yoni steaming is an opportunity to celebrate an cherish your body, and to learn to more deeply connect to your womb as your powerful, creative center. Yoni steaming It is the perfect pair for all of our other offerings to help the work we do here, go deeper."
Click here to attend:
Glenn Fertility & Family Wellness | 211 W. Myrtle Street, #100 | Fort Collins, CO 80521
During the holiday months, it is very easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of things to do (personally and professionally). Therefore, it’s extra important to carve out time to take care of oneself emotionally, physically and spiritually. If you’re needing some help to do this, the following articles may be of assistance!
How to Cultivate Joy Everyday
7 Ways to Sneak in a Holiday Workout
How to Become More Spiritual in 3 Steps
7 Minutes of Mindfulness a Day can Improve Mental Health
How to Stay Active and Exercise During the Holidays
On any given day, the choices you make can be significantly altered when you live in an active state of energy. Your energy state is your current identity, what you’re feeling right now is who you are. If you feel tired, your identity at this moment may be lethargic. If you feel sad, your identity may be withdrawn. Recognizing that fact, you can improve your mindset simply by changing your physiology.
Check in with yourself. How do you feel? Get very clear about it. Can you put a name to the feeling? Alow, fearful, or angry mood can ruin your day and turn people off, just as your bright, high-energy positive self will turn people on. When you have the ability to improve your mood and shift the direction of your energy and emotional state, your entire physiology — even the expression on your face and the light in your eyes changes. Researchers who study life experiences and the effects on body chemistry know this: When you feel different, you are different.
Motivation Off the Mat
Be mindful of the emotional changes triggered by other people’s actions or words. Visualize a shield of light energy protecting you from unfavorable influences; don’t let negative people ruin your day. To stimulate positive life force around you, embody the kind of energy you want to attract.
If a word or phrase is meaningful to you, acronyms such as the following can help you remember the mindfulness of motivation.
Always | Moving | Forward
No | Opportunity | Wasted
Inspiration | Motivation | Dedication | Education | Exploration | Perspiration
Teacher Tip
Motivate yourself first before attempting to motivate others. Watch your attitude; it’s the first thing people notice about you. Take action, read books, experiment, travel and never stop learning. Be an inspiration for someone today.
Read more @
Looking for a restorative weekend getaway that will also benefit a good cause?
Grand Valley Yoga Fest: October 4-6, 2019 | Palisade, CO
Like a traditional Yoga Festival BUT with a twist…
The aim is to come together to CONNECT, RECHARGE, RESTORE and to have FUN through Yoga and give back…
To learn more, visit:
The Harmony Foundation and the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation are co-hosting a 2 day workshop series focused on the specific challenges caregivers might face in their recovering family.
- Changing roles and holding boundaries
- Increasing resilience in children
- Using recovery tools to be an even greater parent
When: DAY 1: Saturday, August 24th, 9am-4pm. | DAY 2: Sunday, August 25th, 9am-12pm
Cost: $30 Individual, $50 Couple
Day 1 provides an understanding of parenting models. The group will create a “parenting inventory” for an opportunity to check in with what is working and to learn more ways to deepen their relationship with their children through their recovery. Day 1 also focuses on ways to build resilience in children. We will review some of the major tenants and traits of resilience as well as discuss tools and activities that parents can use to build their children’s ability to thrive, even in the face of adversity.
Day 2 explores the importance of structure and positive discipline for children. The group will discuss tools that can be helpful in those most difficult moments of parenting.
To Reserve a spot for this event, Call: 303-745-2275 or Email
The high school group started on Monday, June 3rd and runs from 5:00-6:30 PM and the middle school group started on Wednesday, June 5th and runs from 4:00-5:00 PM
*Girls can join at any time throughout the summer. Groups will continue to run throughout the fall. *
Both groups will focus on trusting your intuition, mindfulness, increasing self-esteem, healthy communication, sticking to your values, social media struggles, healthy self-talk and more.
For more information or to register, call Beyond the Mirror at 970-413-2264.
Join the fun and support for the LBGTQIA community in Colorado! Denver Pride, Denver PrideFest, the Coors Light Denver Pride Parade, and the Pride 5K are all produced by the The Center on Colfax.
Coors Light Denver Pride Parade | Sunday, June 16 | Steps off from Cheesman Park @ 9:30 am
Pride 5K | Saturday, June 15, 2019 | Steps Off From Colorado State Capitol Building @ 8:00 AM
PrideFest Festival Hours: Saturday, June 15th 11am-7pm & Sunday, June 16th 10am-6pm
Support Denver Pride: Proceeds support vital programs and services that positively impact the LGBTQ community in Colorado, including our youth.
Join the Leap Coalition for an intimate conversation as women share their personal experiences with pregnancy related depression/anxiety, as well as learn about community resources available to women and their families. (Presentation for providers and community members).
When: Wednesday, May 1st from 2:00-4:00pm
Where: Southgate Church - 6541 S. College Avenue, Fort Collins
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Visit to register and to learn more.
It’s March, so that means we’ve almost been in 2019 for an entire 3 months! If you feel like you still want change for 2019, just know it’s never too late! Here are some articles that might help kick start whatever change process you’re wanting:
“Why Am I Always Like This?” - Feeling like you’re stuck in the same pattern over and over again? This article will help!
Want to get healthier?
!0 Small Steps for Better Heart Health:
19 Small Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Health:
Desire a Healthier, Happier Relationship?
No matter what the DATE is, remember it’s never too late to get started on your change journey! If you need some help getting started, A Purposeful Path is here to help!
It’s the new year and that comes with a lot of pressure to:
~ Make a huge change in life ~ Start something new ~ Stop something unhealthy/negative in life ~ Look for love ~ Change the way you look/feel/act…and on and on…
Not saying any of those things are bad to do right now (or ever). It’s just that our lives are filled with so many obligations and responsibilities that push us to our max, the New Year can add to stress rather than help reduce it. Our suggestion: Try not to get lost in the loads of pressure to DO something drastic right now! Instead, focus on some small attainable “shifts” that can be less overwhelming to dive into. Some things to try:
~ Shift your focus from a negative one to a positive one at least once a day
~ Try to make a healthier choice for eating one time a day
~ Park in the farthest away parking spot when you go to a store to get additional movement in your day
~ Try to smile at a stranger one time this week
~ Take a small risk one time today: have the uncomfortable conversation with a loved one OR yourself; read/research something that you’ve been curious about; be creative in a new way/rekindled some creativity you’ve not turned to in a while; look for adventure in your day.
These are small shifts that can build upon one another that then can amount to significant change if continued! You don’t have to move a mountain to plant a small seed of change. If you’re feeling lost, that’s okay, just know there is help ready for you! At A Purposeful Path, we are committed to helping every person we see with whatever it is they need right now.
Cheers to a new year that doesn’t have to be full of pressure!
Northern Colorado individual therapy, couples counseling, family counseling, child and adolescent therapy. Integrated and individualized counseling and therapy services.
"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth, not going all the way and not starting" -- Buddha