Mindful Growth | Positive Change
What does |A Purposeful Path| really mean?
Purposeful means “having or showing determination or resolve; intentional”. This fits with the psychotherapy philosophy that is applied to each and every individual, family and kiddo that is provided services through A Purposeful Path. Determination to create change in life is what leads people to seek support through therapy and counseling. A Purposeful Path's goal is to assist in guiding clients in a meaningful exploration of the difficulties that have led them toward counseling. A Purposeful Path's passion is helping clients find the healthiest way to manage these challenges, and create long lasting change and personal growth.
Path means “the course or direction in which a person or thing is moving”. This also fits with A Purposeful Path's philosophy for psychotherapy. A Purposeful Path believes in goal-oriented and growth-oriented counseling. In order to achieve this, we assist in creating a strategy, or having an approach to facilitate the desired relief or change for clients. A Purposeful Path relies on the collaboration between the therapist and client(s) to initiate the best course of action to create the desired change or relief. A Purposeful Path's responsibility is to keep this committed course of action at the foundation for therapy creating the best chance possible that change can happen.
The Mind-Body Connection: It’s ALL about Balance!
Emotions CAN affect your health…
At A Purposeful Path, the goal is to promote emotional AND physical wellness with the counseling approach.
At A Purposeful Path, therapists work to provide integrated psychotherapy, to ensure that emotional and physical wellness is the goal.
A Purposeful Path attempts to have an open line of communication with any other medical professionals involved in client’s care and aim to coordinate care with other wellness providers that also believe in the mind-body connection (Acupuncture Therapists, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Natropathic Doctors, Psychiatric Providers, Ob/Gyn, Primary Care Providers).
A Purposeful Path believes in complete wellness, and therefore strives to recommend health and wellness oriented treatments (meditation, yoga, tai chi, Pilates, cycling, climbing, skiing, boating, resistance training, hiking, fishing, dance, horseback riding, etc) in conjunction with cognitive and behavioral therapy approaches.
Click here to learn more about A Purposeful Path's evidence-based therapies.
Chinese Gardens @ The St. Louis botanical Gardens
Any questions?
Call or email today and help is waiting for you!
970.682.8844 | info@apurposefulpath.com